by J4 | Aug 10, 2011 | Print, ShelterLogic
Had a quick chance to rework a package for ShelterLogic lately. I was pretty pleased with the result. A quick fix was needed to spruce up a package, while staying within the restraints of the approved design (we didn’t do the original design). Normally this...
by J4 | Jul 5, 2011 | Print, ShelterLogic
While web work is generally our main source of work, sometimes we get some great print opportunities. We just announced a brand new web client; time to highlight an old client. ShelterLogic is one of our oldest clients – I’ve been able to work with them...
by J4 | Mar 21, 2009 | 3D Design, Djubi
J4S has completed the product design and packaging for djubi. What a project this was. It took literally years, but the final thing is here. Whew. Check it...