Hooray! The all new rosewood communities website is here!
This site has been a lot lot lot of work, but I think it’s paid off. Lost of custom touches that make it intriguing and informative. We’ve been really impressed so far at the length of time people are spending on the site and how many pages they are digging into. A really great sign!
Check out their site to see why their craftsman homes are pretty special, or just to see the cottages and Timbercraft homes.
And of course, let us know what you think. Improvements? Things you like? We’d love to hear. And just for kicks, if you’re so inclined, you can always become a fan: Like Rosewood | follow Rosewood on Twitter.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m sorry it’s been so long since the last post. Lots of great stuff going on. Check back soon. :)